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Welcome to the digital home of OMNI International School

OMNI is a premier language immersion school that offers a locally delivered, comprehensive academic program with a global perspective. In alignment with the principles of globalization, we address the demand for high-quality preschools and schools with a focus on foreign languages. Our curriculum, from PK2 to 4th grade, emphasizes full immersion in Asian (Japanese or Chinese) and English, with Spanish introduced as a third language starting in kindergarten. This approach ensures that each child has a strong foundation in their native language while building the skills necessary for further language development, ultimately enabling them to become trilingual or quadrilingual, as many of our students continue to learn both Asian languages.

What sets OMNI apart is our unique approach, which provides students with opportunities in true STEA2M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Agriculture, Mathematics) offerings. This includes hands-on science experiments throughout the year leading up to an annual Science Fair. Our curriculum also incorporates technology, such as an enriching Lego & Vex Robotics program, 3D printing using TinkerCad, and the latest AI technology, as showcased in the video on the right. Art theory is integrated into art classes, along with exposure to various music genres, where students learn to read and write music. Agriculture is woven into the curriculum as a complement to the Health Class. Additionally, students develop a strong sense of self and acquire critical skills through weekly Well-Being classes.

We invite you to sign up for a virtual or campus tour to experience OMNI’s exceptional educational environment firsthand.


OMNI’s Academy serves students PK2-PK5 in a nurturing, dual immersion setting where they receive instruction in English and Chinese or Japanese. Our constructivist approach undergirds a number of popular philosophies such as the Montessori, Reggio Emilio approach, and Waldorf. This literacy rich environment results in students graduating from our Academy as fluent readers, proficient writers, and savvy mathematicians.
Now Enrolling

Upper School

OMNI’s Upper School serves students K-6th grade in a true trilingual environment. Children matriculate with a progressive and impressive foundation in Chinese or Japanese and receive Spanish as a 3rd language beginning at kindergarten. In addition to a rigorous academic curriculum that promotes critical thinking, enriching electives such as Art, Agriculture, Health, Coding, and Music are an added supplement to core classes.
Now Enrolling

“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.”

- Eric Hoffer


How does language learning support academic achievement?

OMNI Important Dates & Event Calendar

Conversations from our Archives

Open House

Virtual and On-Campus Open House dates are now available. For more information or to sign up click below.

Open House RSVP

Virtual Open House

April 15, 2021 @9am To sign up click below. Please make note of the Zoom meeting info. Meeeting ID:826 8984 4133 Password:VOH2021